We educate about plastic..

Why education is important

Education is a big part of what we do at Sprudel. Not only do we educate businesses about alternative drinking water options, but also educate about the use (misuse?) of plastic water bottles. Earlier this week we shared (via our newly implemented social media accounts - you should really check them out) an article from National Geographic (https://tinyurl.com/y9uspjb5). The article mentioned that we as humans have produced over 8.3 billion tons of plastic products. That is an amazing amount. We have produced this amount of plastic in only 60 years.

The problem of plastic is worldwide. Sure there are a few countries that are really digging into the problem of plastic and waste (Sweden’s recycling is so revolutionary, the country has to import rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling plants going), but the majority of the countries are far behind. Unfortunately the UAE is one of them!

Everyday we see plastic everywhere. The next time your are in a supermarket, walk down the bottled water aisle and take a look at how many plastic bottles are stood in front of you. For every bottle you see, know that the production of water bottles uses 17 million barrels of oil a year, and it takes three to six times the water to make the bottle as it does to fill it - Crazy numbers!

There are many documentaries out there with regards to plastic waste and what it does to our planet. A few months ago we were lucky enough to watch the documentary 'A Plastic Ocean' which gave us facts like 100.7 billion plastic beverage bottles were sold in the U.S. in 2014, or 315 bottles per person. Of those plastic beverage bottles, 57% of those units were plastic water bottles so 57.3 billion sold in 2014. This is up from 3.8 billion plastic water bottles sold in 1996, the earliest year for available data. It is a massive problem that needs to be addressed..and we haven't even started to talk about the health problems that can be caused by plastic bottles (BPA-free anyone?...coming soon to the blog).

Plastic bottles really are the silent enemy. We are all guilty of using plastic in some form at some point in our lives, mainly because we didn't know any different. The education was missing. How can someone make a change if they do not know the facts to support it. This is why we, as a company, need to make people and businesses more aware of the facts and also offer them a solution to the problem.

How Sprudel can help you

At Sprudel, we offer our business clients company-branded glass bottles with their logo. A great alternative to plastic bottles, as they are refillable and also look a lot more professional in their meeting rooms as opposed to the 'normal' plastic bottles. They have an instant reduction in their carbon footprint, they never again have to order bottled water and they instantly free-up space in breakout rooms and pantries because they don't have to store water bottles. All because we have educated them about an alternative solution to a problem that most companies don't realise they have.

Malcolm Little once said 'Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.' And we are doing our little part for the future of our planet. If everyone gets educated on these issues we can all make a difference.  So get in touch and see what we can do for your business today. Let's Sprudel!


All about the Water