Quick plastic facts

The more we know about the dangers of single-use plastic, the better. Education is a key part of what we do at Sprudel and it is vital in our quest to help the population of the United Arab Emirates to understand the issue of plastic. By educating businesses, restaurant-owners and families alike, we hope they will have enough information to make an environment-conscious decision to go plastic free, using our water dispensers. Plastic products are very common in our lives. Plastic waste is one of many types of wastes that take too long to decompose, so the next time you go to a meeting and have one sip out of a plastic bottle, and then leave, think about what happens to that bottle after you have finished with it. Single-use plastic is a huge problem and it will take a massive effort by all of us to do their part. There are alternatives out there which are not only better for the environment, but also cheaper and healthier. There really is no excuse to use single-use plastic anymore. These facts about plastic are not widely known, so we thought it is our duty as a planet-conscious company to let everyone know, not only the damage single-use plastics is doing to our planet but also why and how.

Here are a few nuggets of information:

1. It takes about 450 years just for one plastic bottle to break down in the ground!

2. 11% of household waste is plastic, 40% of which is plastic bottles.

3. A plastic cup can take 50 - 80 years to decompose.

4. An estimated 13 billion plastic bottles are disposed of each year.

5. Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1 million sea creatures every year.

6. Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy than burning it in an incinerator.

7. An estimated 14 billion pounds of trash, much of it plastic is dumped in the world's oceans every year.

8. Every year we make enough plastic film to shrink-wrap the state of Texas.

9. 1 tonne = 25,000 plastic bottles. Recycling 1 tonne of plastic bottles saves 1.5 tonne of carbon.

10. 25 recycled PET bottles can be used to make an adult's fleece jacket.

11. 13 billion plastic bags are issued each year -an average of 300 per adult per year.

12. The worldwide fishing industry dumps an estimated 150,000 tons of plastic into the ocean each year, including packaging, plastic nets, lines, and buoys.

13. Last but not least but certainly the most shocking is that nearly every piece of plastic EVER made still exists today.

Single-use plastics are not a viable, long-term solution for drinking water. There are cheaper, healthier, more environmentally-friendly products out there ready for you to enjoy. It really is an easy swap for your favorite restaurant, your office at work as well as you family at home. Get in touch and join the #PlasticFree movement and start using bottleless water dispensers and water purifiers in Dubai!

There is no excuse for single-use plastic!


Our COVID response


Toxins from Plastic Drinking Water Bottles